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Design Your Own Logo
Using Professionally Designed Logo Templates
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...You're In the Perfect Place.
If You're Looking for Step-by-Step Help Designing Your Own Logo...
As Easy as 1, 2, 3
Select Your Package
After you've purchased your package, you'll open the files in Illustrator or Canva (both are include) and watch the video.
Choose Elements
Using either copy and paste or drag and drop, you'll pick one option from each page, including your preferred font.
Finalize Your Logo
After experimenting
with different combinations, you'll select your logo color and save your finished file!
Share it everywhere.

Templates Include
Packages Include...
A short video explaining how to combine the different elements
A logo guide and checklist that outlines what to consider when designing
3 pages with 10–15 different variations of each element design to choose from
1 page with 10–15 different text options to use for your business name
1 page with 10–15 possible logo options, using only the elements from your package

Hey There, I'm Rizza—and I'm a Professional Logo Designer.
After designing so many logos, I wanted to create something that provided newer business owners with the tools they needed to design a professional logo themselves.
Created with strategy and inspired by aesthetics, these templates have everything you need to create a logo you and your customers will love.

Frequently Asked Questions
I don't have an eye for design... Will I still be able to design something that looks good?
Absolutely! Each logo template has design elements that are meant to go together as well as a guide that outlines what to consider when designing. In other words, these templates are made for you to easily put together a logo that looks professionally designed.
What programs do I need for designing my logo?
You can use either Illustrator or Canva, depending on how tech-savvy you consider yourself to be! Canva is the more user-friendly of the two programs. For Illustrator, there's a 1-week free trial or you can use the free version of Canva. Either way, you won't have to pay for any programs to complete your logo design.
I'm looking for a logo that has different elements than the
templates offer...
If you're wanting to use different design elements in your logo than the ones included in these logo templates, check out my custom logo services.
Where can I use my logo?
Logos can go on just about everything that represents your business! From your website to your email signature, your logo is a visual representation of your business. However, a well-designed logo is not the same as a well-designed brand.