Consistency is key when it comes to running a business but let's admit it. It's HARD
Here are some tips to help you down the path of consistency:
1. Have a plan
A plan will help you direct your actions, thoughts, effort, and time. For example, you could prepare your meals for the week or plan to work on your business from 5pm-7pm on weekdays.
2. Make a conscious decision to remain consistent
Consistent actions require consistent thinking, specifically consistent thoughts that you are and will remain consistent. Say out loud to yourself, “I am committed to being consistent!"
3. Be patient
You will not develop a habit overnight it could take months to permanently change your behavior. Months. That’s a lot of hard work patience and focus. Don’t forget to celebrate the small wins to keep you motivated.
4. Forgive your failures
You are human, you will get tired, you will miss a day and that’s okay. Forgive your failures and keep moving forward. What else can you do? Just try not to miss more than 1 day in a row.
If you are “not feeling like it”…do it anyway.
If you are sad…do it anyway.
If you are busy…do it anyway.
If you are tired…do it anyway.
If you are unmotivated…do it anyway.
If you are unsure…do it anyway.
If you find yourself making excuses…do it anyway.
Consistent action is what brings success. Here's more tips from Lifehack to help you stay consistent: https://www.lifehack.org/788257/how-to-stay-consistent