If I had to choose my favorite business tool it would be Later, hands down, no doubt about it. 🙌🏽 Later is an app where you can schedule posts to Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest automatically and I absolutely LOVE IT🎉.
The hardest thing for me about social media is time and consistency.
😕 Before Later I would sit on my phone for an hour, editing my photo, figuring out a caption then making sure I post at a good time of day.
😄 Now I can sit down and get all my social media posts done for the next 1-2 weeks without feeling the pressure to check something off my daily to-do list. My favorite feature is the preview button for Instagram. I can move images around and get my feed the way I want it to look without any guesswork.
10/10 it has been such a time saver and helped grow my audience without having to spend more time on my phone. Do you have a favorite tool? If you do lets spread the knowledge, I would love to hear about it below! 👇🏽