Regardless of the type of small business you run, there’s likely a need for some degree
of tech support, especially if you’re a solopreneur managing all aspects of operations on
your own. Whether you’re tracking inventory or building a website, getting some
professional assistance on board can help keep you organized and build your brand.
Z Squared Studio is an exceptional partner when it comes to devising creative tech
strategies for advancing your company.
Basic Tech Needs
You likely use several tech tools on a regular basis. This might include a computer,
smartphone or tablet (and their numerous apps), accounting programs or other industry-specific software. Getting everything installed, integrated, synched, and operational can require numerous steps that you may or may not be well versed in. Having someone who can walk you through the process, or set things up and train you on operations, can mean a big boost for your business’s efficiency.
Business Management Tools
Using tech to improve how you run your business can save you time, money, and
headache, all while making you more productive. For example, inventory management
done well means using a software system that can help you see at a glance what
you’ve ordered and what you’re running low on. It can also help you place and track orders, as well as generate reports that are helpful for budgeting and price
Business Promotion Tools
Marketing and advertising are almost all digital these days, so having the right
promotional tools and processes in place can help you get in front of and stay in front of
potential customers. This includes an interactive website with features specific to your
industry; social media platforms and editorial calendars for posting and outreach; and
electronic communication in the form of emails and blogs. A creative tech designer can
help you create the right tools for your business needs.
Human Resources Considerations
Even as a solopreneur, you’re likely to hire freelancers, consultants, or even remote
staffers from time to time. As such, staying connected to one another is vital to
successful operations. Being able to use programs like Zoom and Microsoft Teams for
virtual connections and Workfront and Wrike for tracking team projects can maximize
productivity for everyone. Programs for tracking time and managing payroll and other
bookkeeping tasks will also be helpful when it’s time to file your business taxes.
Virtual Assistance
In addition to hiring remote or freelance workers as necessary, you may also find it
helpful to have virtual support in the form of a virtual assistant. According to My
Mountain Mover, these professionals can manage your scheduling, field phone calls,
interface with customers, and provide other forms of help. Not only can this aid you in
business operations, it also frees up time to focus on building your customer base and
overseeing other important tasks.
Security Features
Cyber crime continues to grow and become more sophisticated. Just because you’re a
small business doesn’t mean you’re immune from a malicious attack. Run anti-malware
and antivirus programs on a regular basis, back up data regularly and employ protocols
for keeping your information, and that of your customers, safe from thieves. If you do
experience a cyber-attack, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation says you should
immediately report it to the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center.
Tech tools can ensure your business runs smoothly and give you a significant degree of
freedom. You can theoretically perform numerous business functions on hand-held devices from anywhere in the world. Utilizing tech to its fullest can help ensure you stay
on the cutting edge of your industry.
Z Squared Studio offers a wide range of services including website design, branding, and logo creation, all of which can position your company for high growth potential. Reach out today for more information.
Photo by Pixabay Guest written Amy Collett of bizwell.org