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Writer's pictureRizza Mae Marvel

6 Ways a Website Will Help You Make Money - Ep. 52

Updated: Oct 9

Why Have a Website?

Welcome back! My name is Rizza, if we haven't met yet. Today, we're going to talk about six ways a website will help you make money.

I think a lot of people think that a website is just something to have in your business, but it really is a must-have, especially because it really is going to drive more conversions and make you more money because it's going to be the landing page for your social media.

It's how people are going to find you on Google. And it's the landing page for all of your marketing materials, whether that's print or digital. People are checking businesses' websites to see what kind of services they have, what kind of prices their products are.

That's just the world we live in today and without a website, you're really leaving money on the table.

So, if you want to learn about the six ways a website will help you make money, let's dive in.

1. Having a Place to Showcase Your Services

The first way a website will help you make money is that you will have a place to showcase your services, so you don't have to constantly be emailing people or getting on a phone call because you're going to use your website to showcase your expertise and your services.

Again, you don't have to hop on the phone; it's all right there. They can learn about you when they are looking for the kind of services they need or the products that they need. And if people like what they see, then they can book a call and book your services.

What really helps with a high-converting website is definitely going to be how your website looks and how it's designed. It's not just about aesthetics. If your website is really cluttered and hard to navigate, then your website probably isn't going to make you as much money as a website that is clean and easy to navigate and is really a place where people can find what they're looking for quickly, because we live in a generation of people wanting things instantly, which is why you really want to think about having a clean website design.

Definitely think about that when you are choosing your website templates or designing your own website.

2. Creating and Selling Digital Products

The second way a website will help you make money is that you can create and sell digital products. Selling products is definitely for the more advanced business owners who have already worked with clients because you need to know what's going to sell. I definitely recommend doing this for people who are maybe in their third and fourth and fifth year of business, rather than the first or second year of business.

If you're looking for passive income, which I think everyone is nowadays, then you can create digital products like an ebook, templates, courses, and then sell them through your website to make money online.

Even if you're going to use something like Kajabi, for example, you still need to have your main website as the place for them to find your course. And then you could have a button that leads to your Kajabi course site, where they can purchase the course or where your course is housed.

If you want to sell digital products or physical products, your website, depending on what builder you have, if it has the capacity for an e-commerce store, then that's an easy way to make money while you sleep.

That way, you're getting all of the revenue instead of putting your products on Etsy, for example, where they take a cut or places like Creative Market, they take a cut as well. So having things on your actual website is going to be best for you over all. Especially if Etsy or Creative Market decide to shut down one day. You own your website; there's a lot of security in that.

3. Adding a Booking Page The third way to make money from your website is that you can have a booking page so that people can book appointments or even pay for your services. When you have a booking page, then it's really one less thing for you to do. You don't have to manually put in appointments and you could really have your website work for you and automate that part of your business.

Even though you're not making money from a discovery call, for example, having a way to warm people up through your website, through booking a discovery call with you, that is going to make them a warmer client and have them possibly work with you right away, or maybe they'll think about you in the future when they're more ready.

If you have your services on your website, let's say you have pottery classes on there. Then again, it's an easy way to make money while you sleep. You just have to put the time in to add the classes in there. And then once you publish it, people can just buy your classes without needing to call you or physically going into your shop; they can do it all on a desktop computer or their phone. It saves a lot of valuable time, especially for a small business.

4. Selling Physical Products

The fourth way is to sell physical products through an e-commerce store. And again, you'll just make money while you sleep.

I did talk about this a little bit when I talked about creating and selling digital products, but physical products work as well. As long as your website has an e-commerce store plugin or widget, then you can sell physical products directly to your customers.

And face it: That's the world we live in now. If you have a physical shop and you don't have those products on your website, I would definitely recommend taking the time to do that.

You don't need to launch right away. If you need to hire an assistant to input all of the products onto your website and it takes a year. It's going to make you more money in the long run because now you have two ways to sell your physical products, through your website or physically.

Sometimes people even want to look at the product on the website to kind of learn more and kind of window shop before they go in physically, so even if people aren't buying on your website, right then and there, maybe they're doing some research and they're thinking about their purchases. They're thinking about their budget.

They see it's on the website and then they're like, "Okay. This is what you have. I thought about it now. I want to go into the physical store and buy it there so they can feel the product and see if it's really going to work for me." So again, if people aren't buying right then and there, you're warming up your customer for them to eventually buy from you when they are ready.

5. Automating Marketing Emails The fifth way a website makes you money is that you can automate marketing emails. By setting up automated email campaigns to engage with your customers and drive sales, it really is the best assistant that you can have.

I'll give you an example. When people fill out my contact form on my website, they get an automated email that tells them, "Hey. Thanks for contacting me. I'll respond within 24 to 48 hours. Know that I am also a stay at home mom; these are my office hours. I will get back to you shortly."

And that's just a great way to let the customer know that you are here for them and that you're here to help them because I know sometimes when you fill out a form on a website, you're wondering, "Are they ever going to look at this?" Automated emails are a great way to really enhance your customer service.

Or you can also house your opt-ins and freebies on your website so that starts an email automation. And then you sell through email marketing. For example, I have 5 DIY Strategies to Create a Standout Brand; it's a free video training that you can find on my website.

So, what people do is that they see that freebie; they read the landing page; they want to opt in; it's totally free. They put their email and then their name as well. And then that starts an email automation, where it sends maybe five to seven emails where I really warm up the visitor and just help them with their branding.

Give them tips, give them some values, give them some podcast episodes that can really help them. I'm pretty much just providing a lot of value. And then eventually towards the end of that funnel, I'm going to sell to them, which is going to be my DIY Brand Yourself in Five Days Mini Course.

There's just so much magic in email, because people are getting tired of scrolling through social media and also only what, between 2 and 6%, I'm guessing, see your organic social media post.

But emails, they get more views and they get more action and return on investment as well. Because you are not competing with a ton of people on a newsfeed and people can choose to open your email or not. It's just really better. It's definitely a better marketing strategy than social media alone.

6. Use Your Blog to Improve Your Website's SEO

The sixth, and the last, thing that your website can do to help you earn money is that you can use your blog to grow your organic ranking, to improve your website's SEO to rank higher in search engine results.

By having a blog on your website to attract and engage your audience, that's going to potentially lead to sales because you're sharing value with your audience. People will see you as an expert. And by really focusing on adding value to your customer, then they'll be more warmed up to buy from you when they are ready.

Also having blog posts, it improves your website's SEO to rank higher in search engines and that's going to attract more organic traffic. Because warm leads are going to be the best for getting customers that want to buy when they're ready.

By having a blog, it doesn't mean that you are making money instantly or that you need to monetize your blog and have paid posts or anything like that, though you can, for example, do affiliate marketing and include affiliate links to other content in your posts.

But it's just a way to keep top of mind for your customer and when your customer is ready, they will think of you because you help them so much with all of your free value.

When they're ready to pay, you are going to be the perfect choice for them.

Additional Tips Your website is the only place on the web that sells for you. Especially because all your information is on there, or at least it should be: your packages, your prices, some copy that really sells your products or your services for you.

By having a website, people don't have to contact you directly. They can visit your website to find more information. And when it comes to the customer journey, there's going to be a stage where people are just doing research.

When you're on Amazon, for example, you're probably reading a lot of reviews and comparing and contrasting different products online. You're using price points. You're looking at product images. And if you don't have a website, then you're missing out on that customer that likes to do that research. Or if your website is really messy and hard to navigate, then you're not doing yourself a favor.

And your competitors could be one upping you by simply having a better-designed website. That's definitely something to keep in mind. If you need help designing your website, send me an email at

Or join my waiting list for when I publish my Wix website templates. That waiting list is at and that's going to be a great way to quickly update your website that already has that built-in web strategy that I have implemented and that I use for all my clients.


Quick recap about the six ways a website will help you make money:

  1. You'll have a place to showcase your services, so you don't have to constantly be emailing people or getting on a phone call.

  2. You can create and sell digital products.

  3. You can add a booking page to your website so you can have people book appointments, or even pay for services.

  4. Selling physical products through an e-commerce store so that you can make money while you sleep.

  5. You can automate marketing emails.

  6. You can use your blog to grow your organic ranking, to improve your website's SEO, to rank higher in search engine results.

I hope you learned something new today. Your website is definitely one of the most important marketing tools that you need in your business because of everything we talked about today.

So again, if you're ready, feel free to email me at and we can talk about designing a website for you.

Or just learn more about website design at and you can learn more about my packages.

And that's all I have for you today. Have a great day and happy designing. Bye!


Z Squared Studio is a Brand and Web Design Studio based in Juneau, Alaska. Check out for custom brand design, Alaska logo design, or web design.

Or sign up for our DIY Brand Yourself Mini-Course if you're ready for a stand out, scroll stopping brand without hiring a designer.

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